
What Is Transparent Pet Food Packaging (And How Can I Get It)?

It has been over ten years since the widespread pet food recall that rocked the industry and made manufacturers examine their processes and commitment to improved pet nutrition. This was the launching point for many premium pet food brands, as confused and upset owners looked for alternatives to the brands they had previously entrusted with their pets’ health and safety. Although we haven’t seen a crisis like 2007’s melamine recalls since then, many brands have struggled with earning and keeping consumer trust in an industry that can be overly secretive—mainly because in many cases, there is no legal requirement for it not to be.

Transparency & Pet Food Packaging In 2019 & Beyond

“Transparency” is a major buzzword in the pet food industry heading into 2019. Greater awareness about the kinds of chemical and ingredients we put into our bodies has been a hallmark of this decade so far in general, and concerned pet owners are demanding that pet food manufacturers provide them with more information about what exactly is in their pet food, where it comes from, and what the manufacturing process involves.

Millennials in particular tend to identify transparency throughout the supply chain as being a top factor in their pet food purchasing decisions, and as this age group now represents the largest buying group in pet food, this should matter to manufacturers. They want to be educated about their pet food purchases in the easiest and most immediate way possible—via their pet food packaging.

How Can I Make My Premium Pet Food More Transparent?

What can you, as a pet food producer, do to help gain the trust of your largest potential customer base? There is now more competition than ever before in the pet food market, but we’re still seeing a widespread lack of transparency. This means pet food manufacturers have a golden opportunity to get ahead of the game, but they have to act now. The kind of information you choose to share matters, too—we recently saw a pet food brand try to offer more transparency by telling consumers what wasn’t in their product, but it may not have gone over the way that they hoped. Consumers want to know what you are doing to ensure the safety and optimal health of both their pets and the planet.

Be Transparent With A Certified SGP Packaging Printer

If safety and sustainability are selling points for your premium pet food brand, we can help your packaging reinforce your message of transparency and environmental friendliness. Emmerson Packaging was Canada’s first-ever SGP certified packaging provider, and is among the fewer than 4% of North American packaging manufacturers to achieve this sustainable certification. This means you can incorporate the SGP logo on your packaging at no extra cost, helping you increase your supply chain transparency and really stand out on the shelf from your competition.

Emmerson Packaging also offers recyclable and biodegradable pet food packaging options that never compromise on product safety and shelf stability, nor on premium feel and appearance. Click here to learn more about PetPack-BDG™, our innovative packaging solution for the pet food industry that does all of the above, with the option to add value features such as resealable closures.

What you put in your pet food is up to you, but we can help you convey your message of transparency and sustainability, and back it up with the SGP certification that proves our—and your—commitment to a cleaner, greener, more transparent supply chain. Give your consumers what they want and build genuine brand loyalty.

Emmmerson Packaging Is Your First Stop On The Road To Transparent Pet Food Packaging

Ready to get started? Click here to get in touch with us today. We can provide you with no-obligation information about our innovative and affordable packaging solutions for transparency-conscious pet food manufacturers.


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