PetPack-BDG™ Sustainable Pet Food Packaging
- Completely shelf-stable
- Biodegradable or recyclable
- Available in white or clear, roll stock or engineered packages
- Tested and validated against ASTM D5511
PetPack-BDG™ Biodegradable Packaging
Emmerson Packaging’s award-winning PetPack–BDG™ is environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and delivers premium performance.
Give your animal-loving consumers the Earth-friendly packaging they demand with PetPack-BDG™. You’ll benefit from incorporating an SGP certified printer into your transparent supply chain, by building trust with potential customers in the pet food category. Through partnering with an SGP certified printer, you also can add the SGP logo to your packaging at no additional cost, further broadcasting your commitment to sustainable packaging.
PetPack-BDG™ is completely shelf-stable regardless of its contents, and only begins to biodegrade in an active landfill environment. When it does, it leaves behind humus (biomass) and harmless methane gas, which can be diverted as a source of clean energy. Even wet or moist pet food is safe in PetPack-BDG™.
We know that the highly competitive pet food market is driven by innovation. We also know that missing the mark on product safety or packing and shipping deadlines can be devastating to your brand. We offer an on-time guarantee for your peace of mind, and have an R&D department dedicated to finding groundbreaking solutions to common pet food packaging problems.
Palatability is important to pet food producers and pet owners and PetPack-BDG™ passes all palatability tests.